Academic Writing II

Course Overview

Academic writing is a particular style used for various purposes in today’s business world in order to display a clear understanding of a particular subject. It requires more formal and professional language, a logical structure, and is supported by evidence. In this academic writing II course, the focus is writing in a business context where students will develop and enhance their writing skills using processes effectively to plan, research, outline, and present the final document, including business letters, e-mail/memos, reports, and other channels used in written business communication.

Upon completion of this course,  students will learn how to effectively compose a paragraph and ultimately an essay in an organized manner.

  • Course Code: ENGL120

  • Course Credits: 4.0

  • Course Hours: 80


No prerequisite to this course.

Course Details

  • Communicating in a Digital-age workplace
  • Business Message
  • Business Presentation
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Designing and Reporting Surveys

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Describe and practice communicating in the workplace demonstrating effective listening and non-verbal skills and building intercultural workplace skills.
  • Plan and write various business messages from e-mail and memos to messaging and texting, podcasts and wikis, blogging, and social networking.
  • Plan, organize, and write letters for positive, negative, and persuasive messages with effective sentence structure and strong paragraph construction.
  • Analyse and prepare outlines for proposals, reports, and essays.
  • Read using various methods demonstrating their development of critical approaches, finding key points and taking notes.
  • Demonstrate using the effective elements of paraphrasing, summarising, using references and quotations, combining sources, organising paragraphs, writing introductions and conclusions, and re-writing and proofreading.
  • Analyse and practice various elements of writing: argument and discussion, cause and effect, cohesion, comparison, definition, examples, generalisations, numbers, problems and solutions, academic style, visual information, and working in groups.
  • Write properly and accurately demonstrating use of abbreviations, academic vocabulary, parts of speech, caution, caution, synonyms, punctuation, and time words.
  • Design and conduct surveys, and questionnaires using appropriate survey language, question forms and proper tenses.

Learning Methods

  • Lecture/presentation
  • Discussion
  • Individual assignments and research (facilitate)
  • Facilitated group work